Another eclectic selection of blogs for you to dip into:
Poires au Chocolat (@poireschocolat)
One of the great blogs I discovered through participating in Food Blogger Connect the other weekend. I picked this one not only because it's a beautiful, well-written blog but because its author, Emma, has only just finished her degree at Oxford. Apparently she wants to be a pastry chef. I'm sure she'll succeed. I love the look of this Rose and Pistachio layer cake.
Best Emerging Chefs and Creators/Thinkers in the Kitchen @scoffiermag
Not the catchiest of titles, admittedly but an incredibly useful resource if you're interested in the latest hot talent round the globe. Written - surprisingly - by a Frenchman who calls himself S Coffier and intended as a precursor to a magazine. I'm slightly embarrassed to find I hadn't clocked one of his UK finds, Paul Foster of Tuddenham Mill.
Wine Woman & Song @winewomansong
Juel Mahoney has already built a formidable reputation as a wine writer through her clever and original blog Wine, Woman & Song. She recently posted a brilliantly argued riposte to my recent post about what food bloggers could learn from journalists called How to be a Blogger as a Journalist which you should definitely read if you haven't already done so. She also has an Italian wine site called Vinissima.
Turntable Kitchen @TTableKitchen
A San Francisco-based blog by Kasey and Matthew. which matches food and music. Like Wasted Time and Minted Zucchini, Pea and Lemon Cucumber salad. This, I think, is exactly what Juel (above) is on about. You need blogs to express these fresh, zany ideas. Lovely food photography too.
And finally - nothing to do with food - check out Beautiful_Libraries.com a slightly nutty site which catalogues pictures of libraries including Celebrity Libraries and Government Law libraries. A must for geeky bibliophiles. Like me. Here's mine by the way.