Wednesday, March 16, 2011

McDo et le Crumble Pom' Fruits Rouges

I never thought I'd find myself saying this but I spent several hours in McDonalds last week. Quite happily.

It turned out to be the only place in Agde (in the Languedoc) where I could get a fast broadband connection or 'weefee' as they pronounce it in France. It was quiet, it was clean and the coffee was actually quite good.

Even more surprising they had something edible, a red fruit crumble to which I became strangely addicted. It wasn't too sweet and the crumble topping actually tasted quite buttery.

I didn't go as far as to have a meal there but you know I was almost tempted. They had burgers topped with goats cheese (though I can't find that on the French McDonald's site). And fat chips aka 'Les Deluxe Potatoes' rather than the usual pallid string fries. Not to mention a 'p'tite salade de saison avec son nouveau mélange hivernal et sa vinaigrette à l'huile de noisette' which all sounds very Michelin-ish though admittedly almost anything sounds better in French.

Was I so pathetically grateful to get online that I overlooked McDonald's usual shortcomings or has it actually improved? Or is it just French McDos? Have you been in one lately?


  1. That looks so much nicer than the 'envelope' of apple pie you get in the UK.

  2. Well haven't been in a British McDonald's for an age I must confess. Maybe I should steel myself to check one out!
